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The SCPAC staff will not administer any medications or provide medical care to any visitors, guests, or performers. In emergency situations, EMS will be contacted and life-saving actions may be performed as necessary and available. Any organization traveling with minors will be responsible for providing for their care and should follow their policies in  regard to medication distribution and medical treatment.  


Food and Beverage

Food and beverage are not permitted in the Summers Corner Performing Arts Center (SCPAC). Food is anything edible, including candy, gum, snacks, baby food, etc.  The SCPAC reserves the right to ask for the removal of food or beverage from the Performing Arts Center or other non-designated areas.  Food and beverage are only permitted in the main lobby of the Performing Arts Center. Alcohol is not permitted.



The auditorium seating capacity is 1000. Due to fire codes and the safety of all attending the event, all aisles must    remain free of obstacles (including wheelchairs, rollators, etc.).  Standing or sitting in the aisles is not permitted under any circumstances; it is the user’s responsibility to notify guests not adhering to the policy.  Anyone refusing to vacate the aisles will be asked to leave the theatre by the Auditorium Manager, Operations Manager or a Dorchester County Officer.  



Due to safety concerns and HVAC management, no exterior door will be permitted to be propped open for any reason.



The SCPAC HVAC Management is facilitated by the Dorchester School District Two Facilities department.  The SCPAC staff is responsible to request the usage of the HVAC systems.  Any adjustments thereafter would be performed by the Dorchester School District Two Facilities department.


Counterweight and Rigging System

Due to liability considerations, use of the counterweight and rigging system are only available to the Auditorium Manager and other designees of the Auditorium Manager. Use of this system is governed by a separate set of policies and procedures that must be followed when using this equipment.


Sound and Lighting

Operation of the sound and lighting systems are prohibited by non-SCPAC staff unless otherwise arranged by the      Auditorium Manager.


Video Streaming or Recording

The SCPAC Staff is willing to video record your event.  It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide recording media.  This recording is provided specifically as a classroom resource to learn from.  The recording is not intended for  distribution of any kind.  The user assumes all liability for broadcast (streaming) copyright violations.


Production Staffing

If your show's technical requirements exceed the manageability of the SCPAC Staff, additional labor will be contracted out and billed to the school/department/program.  Additional fees apply.


DD2 does provide the Auditorium Manager and the Stage Manager to help facilitate your show.  These resources are there to provide a pleasant experience for those in the building as well as to manage all equipment and technical     systems.  Should the technical requirements  of your performance cause these resources to work beyond 8 consecutive hours, the user will be charged the resource’s overtime rate per hour.



It is required that there is adequate and active supervision for all students while at the SCPAC.  Before students can enter the SCPAC,  the responsible teacher and admin must be present and remain onsite at all times (setups, rehearsals, performances, etc.). Access to the theatre will be denied unless this person(s) is/are present.


A member of your admin team must be present for the duration of the concert/show.  Their responsibility is to handle all student/parent concerns and to serve as representation from the school.  



Any damages to SCPAC facilities, property, equipment or other SCPAC owned property are the responsibility of the  user. Replacement or repair costs will be assessed by SCPAC staff, faculty or administration and are the responsibility of the user unless otherwise determined by DD2 leadership.



The SCPAC cannot assume responsibility for personal property and equipment brought onto the premises or for     damage or loss of any articles or merchandise left in the center.



Abandoned Property

Any property not removed from the SCPAC that has not been claimed within 72 hours following the end of your event will be considered abandoned by user. The facility may take possession of it and treat it as its own or dispose of such property without liability. The user shall be liable for the cost incurred in disposing of the abandoned property.



The Dorchester County Sherriff’s Department will be contracted for all events to provide security.  For events that    occur during the school day, additional security will be onsite to assist.   DD2 will be providing all security services to facilitate your event.



DD2 will be providing all custodial services to facilitate your event.


Haze / Low-Lying Fog

Due to the fire alarm system and the ventilation system at the SCPAC, haze and low-lying fog are not permitted under any circumstance, no exceptions.


Auditorium Manager

It is the policy of the SCPAC that the Auditorium Manager (or designee) is on duty whenever the theatre is occupied; this includes load-in, load-out, rehearsals, and performances.


Persons on Stage

Only performers, SCPAC staff and SCPAC approved persons are permitted on stage due to safety concerns.  All others will be asked to leave the stage area immediately.


Fire Curtain

Fire safety rules prohibit the user from placing any props, set pieces, instruments, equipment, risers, podiums, stands, or any other piece of furniture in the path of the fire curtain for any reason.  This safety rule will be observed at all times.


Dressing Rooms

All dressing rooms are to be well kept.  All trash is to be place in the provided trash receptacles.  The facility must be left in the state that it was found.  Damage to any furniture or other contents of the room will be the responsibility of the user.


All performers must utilize the dressing room for ALL costume changes.  The SCPAC does utilize a video surveillance system that is operational 24/7 where the video footage is stored offsite.  There are no video cameras located in the dressing rooms, however, there are video cameras in many locations throughout the facility.


Facility Access

There are certain areas that are closed to everyone and can only be accessed by the SCPAC staff and approved persons.  For safety reasons, no one is permitted on the SCPAC catwalks on the third level or on the spiral staircase at the back of the stage.  Unless otherwise approved, no one is to be in Rollings Middle School of the Arts for any  reason.  It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that all patrons and performers reside in the approved areas for the event.


Brass Instruments

All condensation from all brass instruments must be emptied into approved containers or into a musician provided towel.  Do not empty condensation onto the SCPAC stage floor.


Chellos and Basses

All Chellos and Basses will be required to have either a Rock Stop, Endpin Rest or an Endpin Anchor or Cushion.  These items are not provided by the SCPAC.


Dance Shoes

Proper dance shoes are required.  Under no circumstance can sneakers be used on the Marly flooring.  The SCPAC does reserve the right to deny usage of certain shoes from use on the Marley flooring.  Damage to the Marley flooring will be accessed and treated as damaged property.

Percussion Equipment

If the user would like to use percussion equipment from the SCPAC, the user is liable for any and all damage to any of the instruments.  Please contact the RMSA Band teacher to make arrangements for instrument usage.


  • Bass Drum

  • Xylophone

  • 4 Timpani (with tuning gauges)

  • Bells (Glockenspiel)

  • Chimes

  • Marimba

  • Vibraphone

  • Tam-tam (Gong)


Deep Cleaning

Use of the following items on stage or in any dressing room will require deep cleaning by the SCPAC custodial staff:


Glitter of any kind All types of confetti

Glitter Spray Silly String

Fine powder of any kind Hair Color

Sand Chalk

Spray Paint is strictly prohibited


If any of these items are used during your event (either on stage or in any dressing room), district leadership will be notified and repairs/replacements may be performed at the user’s expense.


SCPAC Operating Schedule

The SCPAC is open during normal business hours, 8am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.  In cases of inclement weather, the SCPAC will follow the direction of Dorchester School District Two and their weather closures/delays.  The SCPAC is closed on the following holidays:


  • New Year’s Eve 

  • New Year’s Day

  • Easter Weekend

  • Mother’s Day

  • Father’s Day

  • Memorial Day Weekend

  • July 4th Week (District Closed)

  • Labor Day Weekend

  • Thanksgiving Weekend

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas  Day

© 2024 Dorchester School District Two

Summers Corner Performing Arts Center

Summers Corner Performing Arts Center

318 Gnarly Oak Lane

Summerville, SC 29485


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